A downloadable game

Note that this game is still under development, and the downloadable rules here may not be the latest.

The unification of Estojia and Leasia in the Winter of 1562 under the High King spelled doom for the rest of the fallen empire of Centaria. With dukes and lords scrambling to control fractions of the old empire, the Estojians were able to easily conquer sweeping portions of the lands that were once their allies and neighbors.

Word had traveled to Kavor Lorth, the de facto ruler of Nova City and the surrounding villages, that the Great City States of Fara and Soita had fallen, and that Duka was not far behind. Knowing the mighty Estojian armies would find themselves traveling north in the coming months, Kavor sent messengers out to other cities and counties of the old empire, with an offer to form an alliance against the elvish armies that were marching upon their doorstep. Some messengers returned scoffed at, or simply didn’t return at all.

But, the messengers sent to Northpoint, Lokovik, Krovis, and Barakar had greater success. Northpoint and Lokovik wholeheartedly accepted Kavor’s offer, since they shared a concern for the impending Estojian invasion. Lokovik and Barakar also joined the lot, noting that though the distance between them and Estojia was much greater, these new conquerors could not be allowed to gain any more momentum. Though the lords of many of these cities were content with their subjugation to the empire of Centaria, they had all known the High King of Estojia before The Fall. His iron rod rule was not one many looked at with approval. But, with the 5 Cities assembled, Kavor could begin to mount a defense, scrambling to gather arms and troops in the midst of minor civil wars happening between cities that had not joined his alliance.

In August of 1563, a lone druid messenger came to the gates of Northpoint. Unarmed, the city guard let them have an audience with their lord, Brakar Coldheart. The lone druid spoke with elegance, “The High King’s army approaches, and he asks for your surrender to him. If you refuse, or I do not return to him, then you and your people will be slaughtered in his name.”  Taken aback, by this, Brakar soared from his throne, grabbing the lone druid by the arm and personally dragged him to the city gates. “If your King wants this city, then he may come and fight for it!” Following the angry rebuttal, the druid was tossed out of the city, swiftly scurrying away into snowlands. With that, the Battle for Northpoint began.

Stardust Kingdoms: Red Reign is a table top war game currently being written by yours truly. The game uses miniatures and D6s to recreate the civil war between the Nova Alliance, remnants of the Centaria Kingdom, and the Estojian Guard, the new elven kingdom. In addition to these two factions, there are rules for other participants in this civil war.

You can also access these rules from here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/19EoWkETBeN_dkAJ1VgnYQETI5MO8svBQ?usp=dri...


Estojian Guard (2).pdf 132 kB
Core Rules (2).pdf 200 kB
Wormwood Legion (2).pdf 133 kB
Nova Alliance (2).pdf 132 kB
Potentes Amicos.pdf 66 kB
Rogue Cadre.pdf 112 kB

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